
Thursday, April 14, 2016

I'm Boycotting The Cats

There's this app called Neko Atsume that a lot of people I know have.

Pretty much the whole point of it is that you have a bunch of virtual cats that "live" in your phone and you take care of them and collect rare ones and name them, etc.

I could see how this game could pertain to the lives of six-year old cat lovers, but how it relates to my teenage friends I can't figure out.

I have three friends in particular that constantly seem to be engulfed in this game.
Here are their blogs: Kenzie, Ashtyn, and Kira.

The thing is, I just don't get the point of it.

Staring at cats on your phone all day just doesn't seem rewarding or entertaining at all to me, and it seems like a waste of time.

Now I understand that there are a lot of things I, and everyone else in the world, do that are also a waste of time like watching TV, being on the computer etc., and these things are probably not the best use of of one's time either, but the cat game, in my mind, is just the epitome of an unproductive activity.

The cat game.  Credit: the

It's literally staring at cats.

I just don't get it!  It makes no sense to me, how could somebody want to just stare at cats!

And it's not just that. The people that have this app are completely consumed by it.  All they talk about with each other is the cat game, and every free moment during the day they whip out their phones to check the cat game.

Honestly it seems kind of stressful.  I know I couldn't live with that kind of anticipation always resting on my shoulders just to see if my lump of pixels that I named was doing ok.

I guess my whole point is that the cat game was probably not the best idea, but if you enjoy playing go right ahead, because who am I to tell you how to spend your time?

So thank you, for sticking with me through that whole rant.  It feels to good to get it off my chest that I HATE THE CAT GAME!!!

Anyway, have a good day and thanks for listening.
Elise :)

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