
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cake and Candles

There's something you should know about me   I'm not a big believer in birthdays.  In fact, if I had my way, we wouldn't celebrate them.  I just think people take them out of proportion.

Yes, it's cool, it was the day that you were born, but no one really did anything to deserve the massive celebration that takes place, they were just simply born.  If anyone should be celebrating, it's your mom, because she went through a lot more on that day than you did.

To me, birthdays just seem like an excuse for people to think the world revolves around them.

Now I'm not saying everyone does this.  That's definitely not the case.  All I'm saying is that certain people seem to get this overwhelming sense of superiority when the time of their birth comes around.

They think they deserve everything.  They think that on this day, or week even, that they should be treated like royalty.

From Pixabay

And for what?  They did nothing to deserve this celebration.  It's not like it's the anniversary of some amazing feat they performed, it's simply the anniversary of the day that the circle of life came around and they were born.

Yes, I think on your birthday you should eat a piece of cake and and wear your favorite shirt, but besides that, the celebrations that company every birthday across the world seems ridiculous.  You don't need to have a party, or receive presents from all of your friends.

But of course, that's what happens, because that's what people want.  You buy presents for your friend on their birthday in hopes you'll get one in return, right?

The thing is, it's not that I don't believe in birthdays, it's that I don't believe in the narcissistic mind sets everyones in when its their birthday.

My opinion on birthdays doesn't really affect my life though.  I still buy presents, and people still buy me presents, but I do wish that things would change.  I wish that birthdays meant more to society than getting older and taking a day off your diet.

But birthdays mean a lot more than that, don't they?  When you turn sixteen, you can drive.  When you turn eighteen, you're an adult.  When you turn twenty-one you can drink.  There's a lot of birthdays that determine things in your life and are more meaningful than just a simple day.

So I guess thats it.  My mixed opinions on birthdays and everything that comes with them.

But don't take my word for it.  It's your birthday  do with it what you want.

Elise :)

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