
Friday, April 22, 2016

Here's Why Socks are an Underrated Birthday Present

Look at your feet right now.

Chances are, unless you're barefoot, or wearing flip-flops or sandals of some kind, you have socks on your feet.

There's a variety of types you could have on: fuzzy socks, knee socks, tube socks, black socks, white socks, polka dot socks, striped socks — the list could go on forever.

The point is that socks are something that every human being, at one point or another has most likely worn, and if you think about, that's pretty cool.  It brings a million different cultures and mind sets together simply because of the fact that we all put fabric on our feet.

Socks are the only universal truth we have.

Courtesy of: youne
Socks are also a pretty important indicator of who a person is.

For example, I own a lot of colorful socks with patterns, but I also own a lot of plain black and white ones too.  And if you ask someone what they're socks look like, there will probably some sort of relation to their personality.

This may sound really dumb, but I think socks mean a lot more than just being socks.

Just think, every morning you make a decision, no matter how conscious or subconscious, in what socks you decide to wear.

Now I know it's not quite the same as looking at ink blots, but its a pretty good indicator of how you're feeling.

If you're bummed out, you'll pick dark socks, but if you're excited, you'll pick bright ones.  Or you'll just grab them in a half-asleep haze and not really care one way or another.

In conclusion, I guess I just think that socks are a lot more than just socks.  Just like shirts are a lot more than just shirts, and pants are a lot more than just pants, and so on and so forth.

So there you have it.  The tale of two feet, that need two socks to keep them safe and warm.
Elise :)

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