
About Me

That's me there on the left.
When I look back on my life, there's nothing terribly exciting that has happened so far.  I mean, I'm only fourteen years old, but something should have already happened to me that completely changed my life right?  Wrong, actually.

If you went around a high school and asked every student, "What's been the defining moment in your life?", most of them would half-heartedly think about it for a second, then say "I don't know".  I believe that this is because, when you're young, your life is pretty simple.

You go to school, you play a sport maybe, hang out with your friends, everything you do is pretty minor.  Nothing that you do on a day to day basis is really life changing, and things that maybe only happen once, still don't seem like they matter.

But that's where I think society has gone wrong. (Enjoy this kids)

I think that every moment of lives makes us who we are.  Every second we're alive, we're changing, hopefully for the better, but sometimes for the worse.

Today, I'm a different person than I was three years ago, because a lot has happened in those three years.

I've screwed up the most important event of my life (it's a swimming thing, and by all means, ask me about it), I've seen my best friend walk into my math class dressed as a banana, I've completely pancaked onto to frozen asphalt wearing nothing but a swim suit,  I've choked on lemonade from laughing to hard,  I've watched people that I knew as fourteen year old's graduate college, I've been happy, I've been sad, and I've had a lot of regrets.  But those regrets, the ones that I think about when I'm trying to fall asleep, are what make me who I am.

Everything that has happened to me has made me who I am today.  And everything that has happened to you since the day you were born has made you who you are today, too.

So do I regret parts of my life? Absolutely.  Do I wish they wouldn't have happened? Not necessarily.

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