
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Proud To Be Basic

We've all heard of white girls.

I don't mean caucasian females.  I mean the typical stereotype of the girl that wears Lululemon leggings, Uggs, and enjoys a good pumpkin spice latte.  We've all heard about them, and probably made fun of them before, but let me tell you a secret — you probably have more than a few white girl qualities.  (You can check here)

The ugly truth is that we live in a world where it's nearly impossible to not be a little white. Yes, even you sitting there with that sly smile on your face, have probably enjoyed a nice caramel macchiato while wearing leggings at one point in your life.

Everyone in the world is somewhat basic, and I'm here to say it's ok.  There is nothing wrong with being basic!

This lovely picture of quality footwear brought to you by: Thought Catalog

Sure, it's not necessarily a good thing, and I'm not a huge fan of people who are constantly shoving there basicity in your face, but I still support those people, because I too, am basic from time to time.

I own a pair of Converse high tops.  They aren't white mind you, but I only didn't get them white because I fall down a lot and I knew they would get dirty.

I wear leggings.  I don't have any Lululemon leggings, but that's because you have to mortgage your house to buy a pair and I like to save my money to buy tape dispensers in the shape of high heels.

I like Starbucks.  And though my normal order isn't a pumpkin spice latte, I do enjoy a good pumpkin flavored beverage from time to time.

Sometimes, I literally can't even.

I like Taylor Swift and I absolutely preordered 1989.

I'm not a big fashion person, but I mean when I die by all means scatter my ashes at Forever 21.

I use the phrase 'totes adores' multiple times a day and feel no shame.

And I believe that a perfect Instagram filter can change the world.

Now I'm just rambling, but I think I got my point across.  There's nothing wrong with being basic.  Of course I believe that everyone should strive to be different, but if what makes you unique isn't that you don't like Starbucks, then please don't think you're like everyone else, because you're not.

Wearing leggings and listening to Taylor Swift doesn't take away a person's individuality, it just means that they enjoy comfortable leg wear and good music about ex-boyfriends.

I'm proud to be basic, and you should be too.  So go put on your Uggs, and head to Starbucks, and rant to your friend about how you can't even.

Keep it basic ladies,
Elise :)

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