
Thursday, October 8, 2015

7 Things I Love and Why I Love Them

I love lists.  I mean, I just think they're the greatest.  So I figure, since this blog is about my opinion on things, I would make a list of seven things I love and why I love them.  So here it is, please enjoy, and if you agree or disagree with something on this list, please let me know.

1. Fall
I absolutely love the fall.  There's something about the leaves turning colors and everything being pumpkin flavored that reminds me of why the world is such a great place to live.  It's also my favorite time of swimming because it's the beginning of the season and practice is never hard.  But the main reason I love fall is Halloween.  I just think the fact that everyone goes out and buys candy for no reason except that kids expect it is awesome — I mean what a time to be alive.

2. Boy Bands
Chances are you probably don't agree with me because you don't enjoy watching teenage boys do wicked dance moves while harmonizing.  Which is fine, but I disrespect you and your life.  I don't know why I like boy bands so much, frankly I wish I didn't because it's super embarrassing, but never the less I do.  I especially love foreign boy bands.  Like from Australia or England or Canada.  All boy bands are fantastic, but ones that are foreign are the best.

3. Canada
By far, Canada is the best country.  I mean it has hockey, maple syrup, and Canadians.  There's virtually no crime, you get like twenty years of maternity leave, everyone says 'mate', and they hate America.  So if you are Canadian, or associate yourself with Canada, here's your appreciation:  WOOOOO CANADA!

4. Spiral Staircases
Ok imagine this: you're in a dark cave and you find two staircases.  One that's like you're average staircase, and one that's twisty and awesome.  Which would you pick?  Hopefully, if you don't suck, you would pick the twisty one.  I know this seems random, but I love spiral staircases.  In a perfect world every staircase would be spiraled — but alas the world is far from perfect.

5.  Sarcastic People with Large Vocabularies
These are hands down the best people in the world.  I try to surround myself with people like this, but they're a rare artifact that should be cherished, and they don't come around them too often.  So if you are lucky enough to come across someone like this, give a big hug and tell them that they are magnificent.

6. Mashed Potatoes
If I get started on mashed potatoes, then I'll never stop, so I'll leave it at this:  Mashed potatoes are life.

7. Feminism
Ok, ladies (and also males who feel that the genders should be equal), the world has a problem.  Well, the world has many problems but the one I'm going to talk about is feminism.  I think feminism is awesome and that everyone should believe in the equal treatment of the sexes.  But unfortunately there are people out there that think men are better and should have more rights.  These people should smack themselves in the face.  I still do believe in chivalry though.  Even though we got the vote doesn't mean we shouldn't have doors held open for us.

So here it is, my list of seven things I love. So any who, thanks for reading what I love, and I encourage you to eat some banana and have an excellent day.

Elise :)

For more classy gifs like this one, go to: Wired

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