
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hit the Lights

A couple days ago, I had a traumatic experience.  It wasn't one of those experiences that's going to set my life on a course of heartache and depression, but it obviously scarred me enough that I feel the need to share the story with you lovely people.  So here we go:

I was in art class, and I had to go to the bathroom, so naturally, I went to the bathroom.  I grabbed a hall pass and started the trek down the hallway towards my destination.

So there I was, walking along, swinging the hall pass, humming a jolly tune (not really but I feel as though it enhances the story so go with it), when all of the sudden, the lights went out.

The first thing I did was quietly scream, because you know, that was some scary shiz.  The scream wasn't loud, I guess you could say it was more of a frantic whimper, but nevertheless it was a cry of dismay.

I knew that I was the only one in the hallway, but still, the first thing I did was look around to see if I could find any more poor soles to deal with the darkness with me.  When I did look though, I noticed that the double doors leading back to the hallway the classroom was in, were slowly closing.

And that's when I panicked.  I don't even know what I thought was happening, but when the lights abruptly turn off and then doors start closing, the natural reaction is to be utterly terrified.  At least it was for me.

I took off in a full-sprint back towards the doors to get to them as fast as I could.  As I approached them, I saw them slowly come together, meaning in just seconds they were going to close.

Basically what I looked like.
(Courtesy of: Drawception)

So, you know, me being me and all, I figured that the best solution was to take a running start and catapult my body against the door so I wouldn't get locked in.  A couple feet from the door I jumped up, and heaved myself right into that door.

Guess what, it worked.  I got through the doors.  But as it turns out, the doors weren't locked, they were just closing, and not locking, so with all of the force I put into chucking my body into them, I ended up slamming the doors open and falling to the ground in my leap of glory.

I guess I was still high on adrenalin, because I hopped right up from the ground and walked back into class.

I got back inside, started shaking, and developed an overwhelming urge to lay down on the floor and cry, but it passed without incident.  I sat down in my seat, and told my heroic story to the people sitting around me.

Luckily, I didn't acquire any injuries in my journeys, though my bladder remained full of pee until the lights came back on.  I didn't have the courage to confront those dark hallways again.

There's really no moral to this story — except that when doors are closing, it's not always the best idea to hurl yourself into them in an attempt to liberate yourself.

I know for a fact that everyone I associate with is tired of hearing this story told, so I'll end at this, but   if this harrowing experience has taught me one thing, its this: never assume that the lights will stay on when walking to a bathroom, because I assure you, there is always a chance that they will in fact turn off.

(Also, shoutout to Corriney Cakes for going to the bathroom with me once the lights had come back on)

Anyways, keep it classy you glorious people.
Elise :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG! LOLOLOLOL!!!! :D :D :D You didn't tell me about this in our shower party! ;)
