
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hit the Lights

A couple days ago, I had a traumatic experience.  It wasn't one of those experiences that's going to set my life on a course of heartache and depression, but it obviously scarred me enough that I feel the need to share the story with you lovely people.  So here we go:

I was in art class, and I had to go to the bathroom, so naturally, I went to the bathroom.  I grabbed a hall pass and started the trek down the hallway towards my destination.

So there I was, walking along, swinging the hall pass, humming a jolly tune (not really but I feel as though it enhances the story so go with it), when all of the sudden, the lights went out.

The first thing I did was quietly scream, because you know, that was some scary shiz.  The scream wasn't loud, I guess you could say it was more of a frantic whimper, but nevertheless it was a cry of dismay.

I knew that I was the only one in the hallway, but still, the first thing I did was look around to see if I could find any more poor soles to deal with the darkness with me.  When I did look though, I noticed that the double doors leading back to the hallway the classroom was in, were slowly closing.

And that's when I panicked.  I don't even know what I thought was happening, but when the lights abruptly turn off and then doors start closing, the natural reaction is to be utterly terrified.  At least it was for me.

I took off in a full-sprint back towards the doors to get to them as fast as I could.  As I approached them, I saw them slowly come together, meaning in just seconds they were going to close.

Basically what I looked like.
(Courtesy of: Drawception)

So, you know, me being me and all, I figured that the best solution was to take a running start and catapult my body against the door so I wouldn't get locked in.  A couple feet from the door I jumped up, and heaved myself right into that door.

Guess what, it worked.  I got through the doors.  But as it turns out, the doors weren't locked, they were just closing, and not locking, so with all of the force I put into chucking my body into them, I ended up slamming the doors open and falling to the ground in my leap of glory.

I guess I was still high on adrenalin, because I hopped right up from the ground and walked back into class.

I got back inside, started shaking, and developed an overwhelming urge to lay down on the floor and cry, but it passed without incident.  I sat down in my seat, and told my heroic story to the people sitting around me.

Luckily, I didn't acquire any injuries in my journeys, though my bladder remained full of pee until the lights came back on.  I didn't have the courage to confront those dark hallways again.

There's really no moral to this story — except that when doors are closing, it's not always the best idea to hurl yourself into them in an attempt to liberate yourself.

I know for a fact that everyone I associate with is tired of hearing this story told, so I'll end at this, but   if this harrowing experience has taught me one thing, its this: never assume that the lights will stay on when walking to a bathroom, because I assure you, there is always a chance that they will in fact turn off.

(Also, shoutout to Corriney Cakes for going to the bathroom with me once the lights had come back on)

Anyways, keep it classy you glorious people.
Elise :)

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Proud To Be Basic

We've all heard of white girls.

I don't mean caucasian females.  I mean the typical stereotype of the girl that wears Lululemon leggings, Uggs, and enjoys a good pumpkin spice latte.  We've all heard about them, and probably made fun of them before, but let me tell you a secret — you probably have more than a few white girl qualities.  (You can check here)

The ugly truth is that we live in a world where it's nearly impossible to not be a little white. Yes, even you sitting there with that sly smile on your face, have probably enjoyed a nice caramel macchiato while wearing leggings at one point in your life.

Everyone in the world is somewhat basic, and I'm here to say it's ok.  There is nothing wrong with being basic!

This lovely picture of quality footwear brought to you by: Thought Catalog

Sure, it's not necessarily a good thing, and I'm not a huge fan of people who are constantly shoving there basicity in your face, but I still support those people, because I too, am basic from time to time.

I own a pair of Converse high tops.  They aren't white mind you, but I only didn't get them white because I fall down a lot and I knew they would get dirty.

I wear leggings.  I don't have any Lululemon leggings, but that's because you have to mortgage your house to buy a pair and I like to save my money to buy tape dispensers in the shape of high heels.

I like Starbucks.  And though my normal order isn't a pumpkin spice latte, I do enjoy a good pumpkin flavored beverage from time to time.

Sometimes, I literally can't even.

I like Taylor Swift and I absolutely preordered 1989.

I'm not a big fashion person, but I mean when I die by all means scatter my ashes at Forever 21.

I use the phrase 'totes adores' multiple times a day and feel no shame.

And I believe that a perfect Instagram filter can change the world.

Now I'm just rambling, but I think I got my point across.  There's nothing wrong with being basic.  Of course I believe that everyone should strive to be different, but if what makes you unique isn't that you don't like Starbucks, then please don't think you're like everyone else, because you're not.

Wearing leggings and listening to Taylor Swift doesn't take away a person's individuality, it just means that they enjoy comfortable leg wear and good music about ex-boyfriends.

I'm proud to be basic, and you should be too.  So go put on your Uggs, and head to Starbucks, and rant to your friend about how you can't even.

Keep it basic ladies,
Elise :)

Just Breathe

There's a lot of things that are good for you — eating your vegetables, brushing your teeth, taking vitamins, etc.  Notice that holding your breath for a long time is not on this list.

Recently, I had my first drug experience.  And no, it did not involve drugs.  I held my breath for too long during swim practice and I kind of started hallucinating.  It was a great time and all, but I highly recommend against it.

And I did not hold my breath this long out of my own desire to see sounds, it was a set that everyone had to do.  It was 20x25's (a 25 is going across the pool), and they were all under water.  In case you don't understand what that means, it means you have to kink underwater from one end of the pool to the other without breathing.

Now, the coach wasn't necessarily trying to kill us, at least not that I'm aware of.  She did say, "If you come up for air we're starting over, but I don't want you to die, so you know...breathe if you must."  This comforted me a little bit, knowing that if I do start to feel euphoric from lack of oxygen I have permission to breathe, but I was still not feeling good inside about this.

I got myself more worried than I probably should of, and I ended up only needing to come up to breathe on seven or eight of the 25's.  Thinking back on it, I probably could have made all twenty if I really put my mind into it, but it wasn't worth my life or sanity to try to make all of them.

Candid picture of me holding my breath.
Photo courtesy of: Whiskerino

Now that's its done, I'm kind of glad we did it.  I mean, for like three hours after I had a throbbing behind my right eye and I couldn't really focus on something, but eventually that went away, and I believe that now I'm a better person because it.

Whenever I feel like something is hard, like cleaning the toilet or talking to adults on the phone, I can just say to myself, "It could be worse.  I could be purposefully drowning myself like I did at swim practice that one time."

It's nice to know that I did something that horribly abusive because now, other things don't seem as horribly abusive.

I think this is something we all need to learn — the fact that it could always be worse.  Unless of course you really half to pee during a lockdown drill, because nothing is worse than that.  Besides that though, everything could be worse, so whenever you find something horrible, just think to yourself that it could be a whole lot more horrible.

I understand that this is kind of a downer outlook on life, but I mean come on guys — when you think having to wake up early is so horrible, imagine what it must be like for kids that have to wake up three hours earlier than you do so they can go to work before school so they can buy food for their families.

We're really lucky to have the lives we have.  I mean, if you're reading this right now then you have access to a phone or computer, and that's better than most of the world has it.

I don't mean to make you feel bad about yourself.  You rock, and don't let anybody tell you differently, but the next time you think something is hard, just remember that it could be worse.

And maybe, thinking this will help it seem easier.  And if you can make something hard seem easier, why wouldn't you?

Keep your head above water, kids.
Elise :)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

7 Things I Love and Why I Love Them

I love lists.  I mean, I just think they're the greatest.  So I figure, since this blog is about my opinion on things, I would make a list of seven things I love and why I love them.  So here it is, please enjoy, and if you agree or disagree with something on this list, please let me know.

1. Fall
I absolutely love the fall.  There's something about the leaves turning colors and everything being pumpkin flavored that reminds me of why the world is such a great place to live.  It's also my favorite time of swimming because it's the beginning of the season and practice is never hard.  But the main reason I love fall is Halloween.  I just think the fact that everyone goes out and buys candy for no reason except that kids expect it is awesome — I mean what a time to be alive.

2. Boy Bands
Chances are you probably don't agree with me because you don't enjoy watching teenage boys do wicked dance moves while harmonizing.  Which is fine, but I disrespect you and your life.  I don't know why I like boy bands so much, frankly I wish I didn't because it's super embarrassing, but never the less I do.  I especially love foreign boy bands.  Like from Australia or England or Canada.  All boy bands are fantastic, but ones that are foreign are the best.

3. Canada
By far, Canada is the best country.  I mean it has hockey, maple syrup, and Canadians.  There's virtually no crime, you get like twenty years of maternity leave, everyone says 'mate', and they hate America.  So if you are Canadian, or associate yourself with Canada, here's your appreciation:  WOOOOO CANADA!

4. Spiral Staircases
Ok imagine this: you're in a dark cave and you find two staircases.  One that's like you're average staircase, and one that's twisty and awesome.  Which would you pick?  Hopefully, if you don't suck, you would pick the twisty one.  I know this seems random, but I love spiral staircases.  In a perfect world every staircase would be spiraled — but alas the world is far from perfect.

5.  Sarcastic People with Large Vocabularies
These are hands down the best people in the world.  I try to surround myself with people like this, but they're a rare artifact that should be cherished, and they don't come around them too often.  So if you are lucky enough to come across someone like this, give a big hug and tell them that they are magnificent.

6. Mashed Potatoes
If I get started on mashed potatoes, then I'll never stop, so I'll leave it at this:  Mashed potatoes are life.

7. Feminism
Ok, ladies (and also males who feel that the genders should be equal), the world has a problem.  Well, the world has many problems but the one I'm going to talk about is feminism.  I think feminism is awesome and that everyone should believe in the equal treatment of the sexes.  But unfortunately there are people out there that think men are better and should have more rights.  These people should smack themselves in the face.  I still do believe in chivalry though.  Even though we got the vote doesn't mean we shouldn't have doors held open for us.

So here it is, my list of seven things I love. So any who, thanks for reading what I love, and I encourage you to eat some banana and have an excellent day.

Elise :)

For more classy gifs like this one, go to: Wired