
Saturday, January 9, 2016

One Small Step For Man

Courtesy of:

There are people that believe that the moon landing is a hoax.  They believe that the whole thing was an elaborate scheme by the government.

I believe in freedom of belief, and there's nothing wrong with thinking that.  I get it, the government can be frustrating.

Personally, I believe that it happened.  I can't think of a reason why the government would make up walking on the moon, but if they did in fact make the whole thing up then there was probably a good reason.

The moon landing may have been a hoax — but I like to think it wasn't.

We're (at least those of you living in America) Americans.  We believe in hot dogs and baseball and pick-up trucks and most importantly, we believe in dreaming big.  We work hard and don't take no for an answer and we're a country built on the mentality that anything is possible.

We've made iPhones and Google.  Elvis and Michael Jackson.  Sloppy Joes and Mac n' Cheese.  There may be a lot of things wrong with America, but the state of dreaming we live isn't one of them.

So maybe we didn't land on the moon.  Maybe it was in fact shot in a hollywood film lot and maybe Neil Armstrong's famous line "One small step for man, one giant leap for man kind" was written by an intern in a stuffy conference room.  Maybe none of this was true, but what's wrong with believing it?

When man landed on the moon it showed the world that anything truly can happen.  We left the planet — and that's pretty amazing.

Most people would have looked up at the night sky and saw the moon and thought, "I wonder what it's like up there?"  We looked up at the moon and thought, "I'm going to find out what's up there."

Even if the whole thing was a hoax, I don't think I'll ever stop believing that it wasn't.  The day that a person walked on something we thought was so untouchable was a day that we all remember because it showed us that we can do anything.

So let the conspiracy theorists think what they want.

All I know is that I'm going to continue believing, because it's nice to think that if you reach for the stars, there's a chance that you can actually get there.

Aim high.  You may just make it even higher.
Elise :)

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