
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

An Ode to Ellen

Dear Ellen DeGeneres,

I know you don't know that I exist, I'm just your average teenager trying to graduate high school by writing in a blog.  But here's the thing Ellen — you are probably the greatest human person alive.

You were the voice of Dory, who in my mind, is one of the greatest literary heroes of our time, and you did it so well.  I was pretty young when Finding Nemo came out, and before I saw it, I had walked out of every movie I had ever gone to see.  Your movie was the first movie I didn't walk out of, Ellen.

You played never have I ever with One Direction.  First of all, just being in the same room as them would be the coolest experience of my life, but you asked them embarrassing questions on live television, and you did it with the class and calmness, which is something I definitely wouldn't have done.

You had Justin Bieber on your show, and you high-fived him.  You high-fived Justin Bieber.

I mean just look at that smile.
Courtesy of:

Ellen you've had a lot of great moments with celebrities and have made a lot of funny memories for me and the rest of the world, but most importantly, you're a really good person.  You may not know it Ellen, but the things you've done to try to just make the world a better place have had an amazing impact.

You started the #BeKindToOneAnother campaign, which encourages people to do simple, everyday, random acts of kindness.  It may not seem important.  No, holding the door open for someone isn't going to change their life, but it may just put a smile on their face, and that smile on their face may put a smile on someone else's face, and that smile might just encourage that person to change the world.

You've done amazing things for the LGBT community.

You've donated money to kids suffering from cancer, and given them a chance to be on your show and tell their story.

You have hand-picked people to be on your show because they've done kind things for other people, and Ellen, let me tell you, they aren't doing that on the Today Show.

Ellen, you're great, and don't let anybody tell you differently.

You're on from three to four on weekdays, so I really don't get a chance to watch your show live that often, but if you were to go through my Youtube history, 90% of it would be clips from your show.

I think you're awesome, Ellen, and I wouldn't want you to change a thing.

So keep doing what you're doing, and remember that when a teenage girl was assigned to write who their ideal blog reader would be, I chose you.

Keep it real, and try to commit a random act of kindness today.  You'de be surprised how far it could go.

All the best.
Elise :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Ellen is super cool! I really like how you formatted this post, it was easy and interesting to read. Keep it up! :^)
