
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Gobble, Gobble

So this past Thursday was Thanksgiving and let me tell you I ate much more than I should have.  But that's ok, because Thanksgiving is America's excuse for total obesity so no one could judge me.

I love Thanksgiving — it's my favorite holiday.  I mean what's not to love about a holiday that revolves completely around food?

Courtesy of: Memes Vault

This Thanksgiving though, things were a little different.

My family usually cooks our own dinner, (and as you know from my last post about the chicken gone wrong then you can assume how well that works out for us), but this year we let my grandparents do the cooking, and we went to their house.

I wasn't all that excited to go to their house, because I had to put pants on, and we always seem to leave their house hungry because they're portion sizes are not the same as ours, but never the less it was Thanksgiving and I was ready to feast.

Dinner was ready and I was helping set the table when I got the worst news of my life.

Sue, my step-grandma (name has been changed to maintain some anonymity) said to me, "We don't have any stuffing because I'm trying to stay off the heavy carbs."

I smiled and nodded of course because I couldn't just burst into tears, but I was way upset.  I mean, stuffing rocks and we weren't going to have it.

I understand Sue wanting to be healthy, but it was Thanksgiving!  It is the day where all health is thrown out the door and your soul focus is on butter.  But alas, Sue wanted to keep the healthy going and stuffing was not a part of my Thanksgiving dinner.

I got over it once I was elbow deep in gravy, and Thanksgiving ended up being great times.  I had four pieces of pie (which I do not recommend), and the rest of the food was awesome.

I ended up lying on the couch groaning in pain from eating so much, and I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving.

So in honor of our favorite holiday, here is an article about how it went for our favorite family.

So enjoy this disturbing Thanksgiving meme, 

Courtesy of: Wide Open Spaces

and have a happy rest of the holiday season.

Eat some stuffing in my honor and work on burning off that butterball.
Elise :)

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