
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Potato Tornado

I'm currently sitting in the business center of a hotel in Boise, Idaho writing this blog post because I didn't think I needed to bring my laptop because I didn't think I had any homework to do.

Funny, because I do have homework to do.

The reason I'm in Idaho is because I have swim meet, but that's not what this blog post is about.  No, this is my potato appreciation post.  So...


I figured since i'm in the land of potatoes, it would be the perfect time for me to write about my favorite food, which is the potato.

I think I like potatoes so much because the potato is such a versatile vegtable.  I mean, there's fries, mashed potatoes, chips, potato salad-the list goes on and on.  And no matter what you're making with potatoes, you know it's going to be good because potatoes are good.

Potatoes are also, in my opinion, an inspiring food.  I mean, on the outside they're not much to look at, but when you cut them up and look past their brown, bumpy, exterior, you get this lovely white vegtable that tastes great with butter.

In that respect, people are a lot like potatoes.  We can't really see what people are like until we cut through the outside layer.

The potato industry has also provided a postive boost to America's economy.  The average potato picker get's payed $28,490 annually, and there are over 26,000 potatoes pickers employed across the country.  So if the taste of potatoes isn't enough to make you want to eat them, do it for the homeland. (Statistics from

Potatoes are great also because tehy have been the subject matter of many memes.  I don't want to list them all, because frankly no one cares, but I will sign off this blog post with one of my favorites.

So remember kids, haters gonna hate, and...

Well bye.
Elise :)


  1. this is 320 words, elise

  2. yes I was aware I was just kind of ignoring it but thank you so much for pointing it out, abbi

  3. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be potatos. I love the voice in your writing.
