
Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Story So Far

Well, here we are, May 12, closing in on the end of another year.

This happens every June though.  We're mostly excited, and a little sad when the year ends, but there's nothing we can do about it, so we make the most of it.  On the last day we all go celebrate because another chapter of our life is ending.

This year, for me, though was a little different.  I was a freshman in high school, so that was a new, and it was honestly a really good experience.  I got to be on the high school swim team and I got to take my first AP exam and all in all it was pretty memorable.

As you probably know, this blog was for my English class, and when I started it, I think I was a completely different person than I am now.

For one, this year I learned to study and do homework, which I had never really done.

I got a double ear infection right before a really big swim meet, and I learned (I guess) that sometimes you can't do everything.

I stayed up until 4 am for the first time, I wore a cow onesie, I determined what pair of my socks is the luckiest — these aren't things I necessarily learned, but they were definitely things that before this year, I couldn't say happened.

And as I've gone through most of these experiences, I've shared them with you.  I have a tendency to tell stories over and over again to my friends and family, and I see how that could be annoying.  By writing about the stories in this blog, I no longer felt like I wasn't being heard because I knew I was.

I realize that most of the people who read this blog are people I know and talk to everyday in real life, but I also realize that I have 1,540 reads, and at least some of them came from people who don't know who I am, and don't feel pressured to read my blog because we see each other everyday.  These people read it because they wanted to, and I want you select few to know how much that means to me.

Honestly, to know that my opinions matter, even in the slightest, is a pretty amazing feeling.

Today, I'm a different person from who I was in my first blog post in a million ways, but I'm also the same.  I still love Fritos, I'm still a sock enthusiast, and I still love to write in a way that can hopefully make people laugh.

We're all changing every day, and the amount we change throughout a whole school year is unmeasurable, but the point I'm trying to make is that this blog is kind of like a timeline of my freshman year of high school.

It doesn't include everything that happened, and there's no way that it could, but in a year or two, or even twenty, when I look back at this blog and read through the posts, I think I'll be able to visibly see a change in who I was.

This wasn't a year that I overcame any fears, or fell in love, but the little things that changed were just as important, and as readers of this blog you've all shared at least a few parts of that change with me.

I absolutely think I've changed this year, and a part of that change is due to this blog.

There's a very big chance that this is the last post I'll write on this blog, so before I go I
just want to again say how much I appreciate it.

A million thank you's for going on this journey with me, and I hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Here's a good picture of myself to remember me by.
From left: Siena, a boy named Nathan, and yours truly.
Thank you, and may we meet again.
Elise :)