
Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Inaugural Address

Dear Reader,

First of all, thank you so much for looking at my blog.  Really, you have no idea how awesome it is that someone actually cares about what I have to say.

I assume you came here for a reason, be it that I told you to forcefully, you were on Youtube looking at a movie trailer and four hours later you stumbled across it, or you're simply a person that likes to listen to the unapologetic truth of the world as told through the eyes of someone who hasn't even lived, my goal is to make you want to come back.

This is an opinion blog, meaning that you will be reading is my unfiltered opinion (ok, it's a little filtered, since this is for a school assignment) of the things that may or may not matter to you.

For example, office supplies is extremely important to me (my idea of heaven is walking through Staples with a large glass of cranberry juice and an unlimited amount of money), but you may think office supplies is a waste of money.  You may love boy bands (me too), or have a fascination with the making of cheese.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone is different, and things that matter to me may not matter to you.

Which is completely and utterly OK.  Having different interests is what makes us interesting people.  

That brings me to the issue of controversy.

There will be some things I write on this blog that you may not be so into, and you may hate me for it.

So my promise to you is this:  I will do my best to not offend anyone, but never the less someone will be offended.

I'll try not to write anything super controversial, because my goal isn't to make people angry.  My goal is to make happy.

Personally, I'm horribly offended by flavored marshmallows, while you may be horribly offended by people that eat a lot of bananas.  I eat a lot of bananas.

So I guess what I'm failing at saying is that no one is capable of making everyone happy, but I will try my best to.

So to conclude my awkward introduction letter to you, I just want to say thank you again for checking out this blog and reading to the end of this letter.  You get 1,000 points that mean absolutely nothing.  I hope to make you feel nostalgic, maybe cry a little, but mostly make you smile.

This is going to be an adventure for me just as it's going to be for you.  So here we go.

Elise :)
Courtesy of: Giphy